March 30th, 2022






Kathryn Robb,, 781-856-7207

Press Advisory

Leading National Experts on Justice for Child Sexual Abuse Victims and Sexual Abuse Survivors Urge Members of the Alabama House Judiciary Committee to Report Favorably on H.B. 370 to Help Survivors Access Justice 

Montgomery, AL Kathryn Robb, Executive Director of CHILD USAdvocacy, and a Group of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse from Alabama urge Chairman Jim Hill and members of the Alabama House Judiciary Committee to report favorably on H.B. 370 during the committee hearing be held on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, at 1pm. Introduced by Representatives Coleman, Faulkner, and Rafferty, this bill will dramatically expand access to justice for survivors of child sexual abuse In Alabama.

H.B. 370 will extend the statute of limitations for civil claims of child sexual abuse to age 55 and open a 2-year revival window for time barred claims of child sexual abuse.

The current statute of limitations for civil claims of child sexual abuse in Alabama is age 25.

Kathryn Robb, Executive Director of CHILD USAdvocacy and survivor of CSA said, “There is a national movement to reform SOLs for child sexual abuse claims. Presently 27 states have extended the SOLs and 17 states have revived them. The science of traumatology makes it clear that perpetrators silence their victims, sometimes for a lifetime. Due process is not absolute - our laws are based on common-sense, justice, reason, and sound public policy. These are not your typical civil wrongs - this is about the rape, sodomy, and sexual assault of children. Legislators should respond accordingly and have zero tolerance position. Revival legislation exposes hidden predators.”

“I seek to uplift those who, like me, were sexually abused as a child. In HB370, raising the statute of limitations from the age of 25 to 55 gives us the opportunity to bring our perpetrators into the realm of accountability” said Leigh Corfman, an Advocate from Gadsden, AL.

L. Stuart Vance, an IT Consultant from Huntsville, AL, commented, “It took me almost fifty years to finally talk about the sexual assault by a teacher that happened to me in high school.  We must pass HB370 to raise the statute of limitations from six years to thirty-six so that others in a similar situation can seek justice against their abusers.”

“One child. Two rapists. I did what I was instructed and kept the secret. I was 9 years old, and silenced. HB370 would allow me to finally have a voice. Please do not silence me again” said Lisa Shipman, Domestic Violence Advocate from Haleyville, AL.

“As we have seen across the country, statute of limitation reform exposes hidden predators and institutions that allow them to fester and shifts the cost of abuse away from the survivors and taxpayers to the bad guys. Right now, the law in Alabama protects abusers; passing HB370 is how we protect children” said Lanier Isom, Author and Journalist from Alabama.

About CHILD USAdvocacy

CHILD USAdvocacy is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization dedicated to ending child abuse and neglect by advocating for better laws for child protection. Drawing on the combined expertise of the nation’s leading child advocates, specifically our sister organization and national think tank, CHILD USA. CHILD USAdvocacy is committed to protecting children’s civil liberties and keeping children safe from abuse and neglect.